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Problematic kid lit... when your favorites don't age well

You head to your bookshelf and pull off a childhood favorite... only to be shocked by some of the content you'd completely forgotten about! So... what now?

Kid lit is a complex subject, and it becomes even more complex give the passage of time and the way morals have moved since you were a kid.

Erin & Sachiko approach this from a parenting lens as well as an educational one, and we're curious how you would approach this, too. What are your favorite books that you've since realized are problematic? Have you decided to share them with your kids? If you did, how did you approach it?

This is the end of season one! We're taking a break, but we'll be back in September. If you just can't wait until then, we've got a lot of past episodes, courses, and our Incomplete Guides series. Find us all over social media, too!

All our links are on our website:

We'll see you in September!

*Audio has been corrected from a previous upload, thank you to everyone who let us know!*